Support from Hillsdale College


Valor Classical Academy  is receiving startup counsel and training from the Hillsdale College K-12 Education Office after being accepted through a competitive application process. Valor Classical Academy intends to license the Hillsdale College K-12 Curriculum and offer an American Classical Education.

About Hillsdale

Hillsdale College was founded to provide the kind of sound learning necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty. For over 175 years, it has offered an outstanding liberal arts education for undergraduate students. Restoring excellence to American K-12 education is a natural extension of the College’s mission, and Hillsdale has been helping K-12 schools for over three decades. Hillsdale teaches K-12 schools to provide an education that is both classical and American in its orientation; one that is rooted in the liberal arts and sciences, offers a firm grounding in civic virtue, and cultivates moral character.

Helpful Links

For more information about Hillsdale College support for schools like Valor Classical Academy, visit

ɕ What is American Classical Education?

ɕ Hillsdale Classical Schools Across the Nation

ɕ Founding a Hillsdale Classical School

ɕ Frequently asked questions about Hillsdale’s support for K-12 schools